11 laws of happiness
by sunil sharma

Live simply
Simplicity will keep you from the distractions of the owrld and help you focus on what is really important in life.

Give much
The old saying it is 'better to give than receive' holds true. We should be grateful that we have the capacity to give and cherish the act of giving.

Treat others how you would like to be treated
By treating others with compassion, love and understanding we can build better relationships.

Be humble
No one likes arrogant, superficial and loud people.Generally these people are least happy in life.

Determine what makes you happy
Far too often people go around doing what they 'think' will make them happy. Don't be afraid to be an individual and do what you enjoy.

Remember life is change
Don't take yourself and life too seriously and practice detachment.

Be open to new ideas and learnings
Don't get trapped in a conditioned way of thinking.

Associate with people you like,trust and respect
Associate with people who make you smile and bring out the best in you.

Keep healthy and exercise
It is hard to be happy when you feel sick and miserable physically.Treat your body with the respect it deserves.

Keep a healthy balance in your life
Make sure you balance work,life,love and play.Too much or too little of each ofthese can result in an imbalance and generate stress and disease.

Money and success do not equal happiness
Cut through the idea that society keeps conditioning us with, that happines is found in materialism.This kind of happiness will always be short term.


sunil sharma
sunil sharma is a blogger, yogi, designer, engineer and humanitarian.