Less medication, more education
by sunil sharma

If every individual could have the right amount of nourishment and exercise, not too little and not too much, we should have found the safest way to health. Hippocrates

Food not only nourishes the body, it affects the mind and consciousness as well. In 400 B.C, Hippocrates laid down the foundations for modern medicine. He believed the human body had an innate capacity for self-healing. All medical doctors take the Hippocratic Oath which includes the phrase “First, do no harm.” Still very few of them honoring his motto of “Let thy food be thy medicine”.

Since Hippocrates time however, our approach to treating illness has changed… Today’s doctors receive little, if any, training in nutrition. Modern medicine revolves around ‘ a pill for every ill’ And that’s the way the sickness industry wants to keep it.

Heart disease and Cancer are the top two killers in the U.S annually. According to CDC, From 2000 to 2014 nearly half a million Americans died from drug overdose. In fact, Medical Errors Are Third Leading Cause of Death in the U.S. 10 percent of U.S. deaths are due to preventable medical mistakes.

Normal human body has powerful defenses to the point where the cancer is impossible.The human body has such powerful defenses that a normal healthy body cannot, will not develop cancer. or any other chronic disease, for that matter. Not only that, but a good, healthy, normal, rich, organic food, can reverse these diseases.

Nutrition education can influence the way people view food choices and eating habits. It can inspire them to reach for fruits and vegetables and non-processed foods. It may even shape their perspective of health and wellness for the rest of their life. Unfortunately, the sad reality is that nutrition education is rarely a priority in the public school system, hospitals and in medical profession.Medical students in U.S medical school received an average of 19.6 hours of nutrition instruction during their medical school careers.


sunil sharma
sunil sharma is a blogger, yogi, designer, engineer and humanitarian.