Leadership lessons from Andrew Carnegie
by sunil sharma

Scottish-born Andrew Carnegie (1835-1919) was an American industrialist who amassed a fortune in the steel industry then became a major philanthropist. Mr. Carnegie shared 30 traits of successful leaders. Here is his list:

1.They have a purpose and a plan for attaining it.

2.Their motivation drives them.3

3.They surround themselves with talented people.

4.They are self-reliant.

5.They have intense self-discipline.

6.They are persistent.

7.They are creative.

8.They are decisive.

9.They collect all the facts before making judgments.

10.They are enthusiastic.

11.They are fair.

12.They have an open mind.

13.They exceed expectations.

14.They are tactful.

15.They listen more than they speak.

16.They pay attention to detail.

17.They don’t stop.

18.They can take criticism.

19.They know when to restrain themselves.

20.They are loyal.

21.They know when to be candid.

22.They understand others’ motivations.

23.They are likable.

24.They stay focused.

25.They learn from their mistakes

26.They take responsibility for the mistakes of their team.

27.They recognize the achievements of others.

28.They treat others the way they would like to be treated.

29.They are optimistic.

30.They can remove emotions from decision making


sunil sharma
sunil sharma is a blogger, yogi, designer, engineer and humanitarian.